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contend, dispute, argue

Grade 4 ・ JLPT N3


  • あらそ.う

  • いか.でか

  • ソウ


  • 競争  きょうそう competition, contest, to compete(n, vs)
  • 戦争  せんそう war(n, vs)
  • 争い  あらそい dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest(n)
  • 争う  あらそう to compete, to contest, to contend, to quarrel, to argue, to dispute, to be at variance, to oppose, (usu. in negative form) to deny (eg evidence)(v5s, intransitive verb)
  • 争議  そうぎ dispute, quarrel, strike(n)

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