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jatuh, runtuh, roboh

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • おちい.る

  • おとしい.れる

  • カン


  • 陥る 【おちいる】 to fall into (e.g. a hole), to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.), to fall into (a trap, etc.), to fall, to surrender, to capitulate
  • 陥れる 【おとしいれる】 to trap (into a difficult situation), to put (in a fix), to throw (e.g. into turmoil), to trick (into doing), to lure (into a trap), to frame (for a crime), to capture (a castle, fortress, etc.), to take, to reduce, to drop (something) into
  • 陥落 【カンラク】 subsidence, sinking, cave-in, collapse, falling in, fall (of a city, fortress, etc.), surrender, fall (in position, rank, etc.), demotion, giving in (to someone's persuasion), yielding, being convinced
  • 陥没 【カンボツ】 cave-in, collapse, sinking, depression (e.g. of the skull), subsidence
  • 擠陥 【セイカン】 tempting into crime
  • 注意欠陥 【チュウイケッカン】 attention deficit

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