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menembus, membobos, unit berat (3.75 kg)

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • つらぬ.く

  • ぬ.く

  • ぬき

  • カン


  • 貫く 【つらぬく】 to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, to run through (e.g. a river through a city), to pass through, to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.), to carry out, to persist with, to keep (e.g. faith), to maintain (e.g. independence)
  • 貫 【ぬき】 crosspiece (between pillars, etc.), penetrating tie beam
  • 貫き通す 【つらぬきとおす】 to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.), to carry out, to persist with, to keep (e.g. faith), to maintain (e.g. independence)
  • 吹き抜き 【ふきぬき】 stairwell, atrium, streamer, pennant
  • 指貫 【さしぬき】 type of hakama worn in ancient times
  • 貫 【カン】 kan (obs. unit of weight, approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb), kan (obs. unit of currency, equiv. to 1000 mon in the Edo period; col. 10 mon in the Meiji period), counter for pieces of sushi, 10 points, 12 points
  • 貫通 【カンツウ】 passing through (of a tunnel, bullet, etc.), going (right) through, penetrating, piercing, being well versed (in)
  • 終始一貫 【シュウシイッカン】 consistently, unchangingly, throughout
  • 縦貫 【ジュウカン】 running through, traversal

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