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dikemas, tutup, ditekan, menegur, menyalahkan

Secondary school ・ JLPT N2


  • つ.める

  • つ.め

  • -づ.め

  • つ.まる

  • つ.む

  • キツ

  • キチ


  • 罐詰め  かんづ めpacking (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can(n)
  • 詰まらせる  つまらせる to make shorter(Ichidan verb)
  • 詰まる  つまる to be blocked, to be packed, to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball)(v5r, iv)
  • 詰む  つむ to become fine(v5m)
  • 詰めかける  つめかける to crowd (a house), to throng to (a door)(Ichidan verb, iv)

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