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mengancam, memaksa

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • おびや.かす

  • おど.す

  • おど.かす

  • キョウ


  • 脅かす 【おびやかす】 to intimidate, to frighten, to scare, to threaten (e.g. peace), to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
  • 脅す 【おどす】 to threaten, to menace, to frighten (into doing)
  • 脅かす 【おどかす】 to threaten, to menace, to intimidate, to startle, to frighten, to scare
  • 脅迫 【キョウハク】 threat, menace, coercion, blackmail
  • 脅威 【キョウイ】 threat, menace
  • 威脅 【イキョウ】 threat, menace

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