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offering, counter for drinks, present, offer

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • たてまつ.る

  • ケン

  • コン


  • 奉る 【たてまつる】 to offer, to present, to set someone up in a high position, to revere at a distance, to do respectfully
  • 献金 【ケンキン】 donation, contribution, offering
  • 献花 【ケンカ】 flower offering, floral tribute, laying flowers
  • 社会貢献 【シャカイコウケン】 contribution to society
  • 奉献 【ホウケン】 dedication, presentation, consecration, offer (to a shrine)
  • 献立 【コンダテ】 menu, bill of fare, program, programme, schedule
  • 献立表 【コンダテヒョウ】 menu, list of meals (e.g. for the week)
  • 九献 【クコン】 three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups, sake (secret language of court ladies), rice wine
  • 一献 【イッコン】 one cup (of sake), (going out for, treating someone to) a drink, small drinking party

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