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terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa, tidak sabar, arang, hangus

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • こ.げる

  • こ.がす

  • こ.がれる

  • あせ.る

  • ショウ


  • 焦げる 【こげる】 to burn, to scorch, to char, to singe
  • 焦がす 【こがす】 to burn, to scorch, to singe, to char
  • 焦がれる 【こがれる】 to yearn for, to be in love with
  • 焦る 【あせる】 to be in a hurry, to be impatient, to be anxious (to do), to fret, to get a fright, to panic, to get flustered, to be startled
  • 焦れる 【じれる】 to get impatient, to become irritated, to fret, to chafe
  • 焦らす 【じらす】 to tease, to irritate, to tantalize, to keep (someone) in suspense
  • 焦点 【ショウテン】 focus, focal point, focus (of attention, a discussion, etc.), point at issue, central point, focus
  • 焦燥 【ショウソウ】 impatience, uneasiness, irritation, fretfulness
  • 合焦 【ガッショウ】 being in focus, bringing into focus
  • 中焦 【チュウショウ】 middle jiao (in traditional Chinese medicine), middle burner

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