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astringent (zat), ragu, enggan

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • しぶ

  • しぶ.い

  • しぶ.る

  • ジュウ

  • シュウ


  • 渋 【しぶ】 kakishibu, astringent persimmon juice used as a dye or to to treat wood, paper, etc.
  • 渋い 【しぶい】 astringent, bitter, puckery, rough, harsh, tart, austere, elegant (and unobtrusive), refined, quiet (and simple), sober, sombre, subdued, tasteful (in a quiet way), understated, sour (look), glum, grim, sullen, sulky, stingy, tight-fisted
  • 柿渋 【かきしぶ】 kakishibu, astringent persimmon juice used as a dye or to to treat wood, paper, etc.
  • 鉄渋 【かなしぶ】 aqueous iron rust
  • 渋い 【しぶい】 astringent, bitter, puckery, rough, harsh, tart, austere, elegant (and unobtrusive), refined, quiet (and simple), sober, sombre, subdued, tasteful (in a quiet way), understated, sour (look), glum, grim, sullen, sulky, stingy, tight-fisted
  • 渋い顔をする 【しぶいかおをする】 to frown (on), to be grim-faced, to look sullen
  • 渋る 【しぶる】 to be reluctant (to do), to be unwilling (to do), to hesitate (to do), to grudge, to be tardy (in doing), to put off (doing), to falter, to slacken, to slow down, to have a frequent urge to defecate but difficulty passing stool, to suffer from tenesmus
  • 渋滞 【ジュウタイ】 (traffic) congestion, traffic jam, gridlock, delay, stagnation
  • 渋面 【ジュウメン】 grimace, sullen face
  • 難渋 【ナンジュウ】 suffering, distress, difficulty, hardship, misery, being bogged down, hurdle
  • 晦渋 【カイジュウ】 ambiguous, obscure, equivocal

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