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portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • たずさ.える

  • たずさ.わる

  • ケイ


  • 携える 【たずさえる】 to carry in one's hand, to carry with one, to have on one's person, to bear, to take along (someone), to take (someone) with one, to be accompanied by
  • 携わる 【たずさわる】 to engage in, to participate in, to take part in, to be involved in
  • 携帯 【ケイタイ】 carrying (on one's person or in the hand), mobile phone, cell phone
  • 携帯ストラップ 【ケイタイストラップ】 straps for mobile phone
  • 連携 【レンケイ】 cooperation, coordination, link
  • 戦略的提携 【センリャクテキテイケイ】 strategic partnership

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