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withdraw, draw in, hold back, refrain from, be moderate

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • ひか.える

  • ひか.え

  • コウ


  • 控える 【ひかえる】 to be temperate in, to refrain, to abstain, to hold back, to restrain oneself from excessive ..., to make notes, to jot down (e.g. phone number), to be in preparation for, to be in waiting for, to be soon, to be in the offing, to be in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.)
  • 控え 【ひかえ】 reserve, spare, backup, note, memorandum, duplicate, copy, stub (of a ticket, etc.), receipt, waiting one's turn
  • 控え室 【ひかえしつ】 waiting room, anteroom, antechamber, green room
  • お客様控え 【おきゃくさまひかえ】 customer copy (of a receipt, etc.)
  • 控訴 【コウソ】 appeal to a higher court, intermediate appeal
  • 控除 【コウジョ】 subtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy

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