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slip out, extract, pull out, pilfer, quote, remove, omit

Secondary school ・ JLPT N2


  • ぬ.く

  • -ぬ.く

  • ぬ.き

  • ぬ.ける

  • ぬ.かす

  • ぬ.かる Compounds

  • バツ

  • ハツ

  • ハイ


  • 引抜き  ひきぬき hiring from another company, recruitment, scouting(n)
  • 海抜  かいばつ height above sea level(n)
  • 奇抜  きばつ novel, original, striking, strange, eccentric, fantastic(adj-na, n)
  • 駆抜ける  かけぬける to run past from behind, to run through (eg gate)(Ichidan verb, iv)
  • 見抜く  みぬく to see through(v5k, vt)

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