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melipat, mematahkan, patah, menekuk, hasil, mengirim

Grade 4 ・ JLPT N3


  • お.る

  • おり

  • お.り

  • -お.り

  • お.れる

  • セツ


  • 屈折  くっせつ bending, indentation, refraction, inflection(n, vs)
  • 骨折  こっせつ bone fracture(n, vs)
  •   おりchance, suitable time(n-adv, n-t)
  • 折り返し  おりかえし by return, (call or write back) without delay, lapel, cuffs, flap, chorus, refrain, repetition, aliasing (in imaging), shuttle service, back-to-back, BTB(adv, n, adj-no)
  • 折り返す  おりかえす to turn up, to fold back, to loopback (a signal, a message)(v5s, vt)

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