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kemenangan, menang,unggul

Grade 3 ・ JLPT N3


  • か.つ

  • -が.ち

  • まさ.る

  • すぐ.れる

  • かつ

  • ショウ


  • 決勝  けっしょう decision of a contest, finals (in sports)(n)
  • 勝手  かって one's own convenience, one's way, convenience or ease of use, knowledge of how to use, circumstances, situation (eg financial), environment, kitchen, arbitrary(adj-na, n)
  • 勝敗  しょうはい victory or defeat, issue (of battle)(n)
  • 勝負  しょうぶ victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout(n, vs)
  • 勝利  しょうり victory, triumph, conquest, success, win(n, vs)

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