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mengisi, memenuhi

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • あ.てる

  • み.たす

  • ジュウ


  • 充てる 【あてる】 to assign, to set aside
  • 満たす 【みたす】 to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.), to meet (e.g. demands), to fulfill, to gratify, to fill (e.g. a cup), to pack, to supply
  • 充足 【ジュウソク】 sufficiency
  • 充実 【ジュウジツ】 fullness, completeness, perfection, substantiality, enhancement, improvement, enrichment, upgrading, replenishment, repletion
  • リア充 【リアジュウ】 person who is satisfied with their real (offline) life, normie
  • 事業拡充 【ジギョウカクジュウ】 business expansion

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