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miring, menceng,kurus, lereng, memiringkan, kecenderungan, menyusut, kehancuran, bias

Secondary school ・ JLPT N2


  • かたむ.く

  • かたむ.ける

  • かたぶ.く

  • かた.げる

  • かし.げる

  • ケイ


  • 右傾  うけい rightist, leaning to the right(n, vs)
  • 傾き  かたむき slope, inclination, list, tendency, trend, bent, disposition, bias(n)
  • 傾向  けいこう tendency, trend, inclination(n, vs)
  • 傾斜  けいしゃ inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip(n, vs)
  • 傾城  けいせい beauty, siren, courtesan, prostitute(n)

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