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merencanakan, mendesain, bersekongkol

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • くわだ.てる

  • たくら.む


  • 企てる 【くわだてる】 to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to intend, to contemplate, to attempt (e.g. suicide, murder), to undertake (e.g. business), to stand on tip-toes
  • 企む 【たくらむ】 to scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame up
  • 企画室 【キカクシツ】 planning office
  • 企画 【キカク】 planning, plan, project, arrangements
  • 投企 【トウキ】 projection, project, philosophical concept introduced by Heidegger (Entwurf)
  • 発起 【ホッキ】 originating (something), coming up with the idea, starting (something), initiating, proposing, spiritual awakening, resolution

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