JLPT N2 Kanji List

Kanji Kunyomi Onyomi Arti
あら.ず un-, mistake, negative, injustice, non-
こうむ.る, おお.う, かぶ.る, かぶ.せる incur, cover, veil, brood over, shelter, wear, put on, be exposed (film), receiving
つか.れる, -づか.れ, つか.ら exhausted, tire, weary
くら.べる compare, race, ratio, Philipines
criticism, strike
かれ, かの, か.の he, that, the
いな, いや negate, no, noes, refuse, decline, deny
バン nightfall, night
ハン marketing, sell, trade
ハン carrier, carry, all
おか.す ハン, ボン crime, sin, offense
ハン printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label
わか. ハン, バン judgement, signature, stamp, seal
ぬ.く, -ぬ.く, ぬ.き, ぬ.ける, ぬ.かす, ぬ.かる Compounds バツ, ハツ, ハイ slip out, extract, pull out, pilfer, quote, remove, omit
かみ ハツ hair of the head
はだ texture, skin, body, grain
は.ぜる バク bomb, burst open, pop, split
うす.い, うす-, -うす, うす.める, うす.まる, うす.らぐ, うす.ら-, うす.れる, すすき ハク dilute, thin, weak (tea)
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