JLPT N3 Vocabulary List
振る | ふる | (1) to wave,to shake,to swing,(2) to sprinkle,(3) to cast (actor),to allocate (work) | - |
震える | ふるえる | to shiver,to shake,to quake | - |
ブレーキ | ブレーキ | a brake | - |
触れる | ふれる | to touch,to be touched,to touch on a subject,to feel,to violate (law, copyright, etc.),to perceive,t | - |
風呂 | ふろ | bath | - |
プロ | プロ | professional | - |
分 | ぶん | dividing,part,segment | - |
文 | ぶん | sentence | - |
雰囲気 | ふんいき | atmosphere (e.g. musical),mood,ambience | - |
分析 | ぶんせき | analysis | - |
文明 | ぶんめい | civilization,culture | - |
分野 | ぶんや | field,sphere,realm,division,branch | - |
塀 | へい | wall,fence | - |
平均 | へいきん | equilibrium,balance,average,mean | - |
平和 | へいわ | peace,harmony | - |
別に | べつに | (not) particularly,nothing | - |
減らす | へらす | to abate,to decrease,to diminish,to shorten | - |
減る | へる | to decrease (in size or number),to diminish,to abate | - |
ベルト | ベルト | Belt for western clothes | - |
変化 | へんか | goblin,ghost,apparition,bugbear | - |
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