JLPT N3 Vocabulary List

通学 つうがく commuting to school -
通行 つうこう passage,passing -
通じる つうじる to run to,to lead to,to communicate,to understand -
通信 つうしん correspondence,communication,news,signal -
捕まる つかまる to be caught,to be arrested -
掴む つかむ to seize,to catch,to grasp -
疲れ つかれ tiredness,fatigue -
つき moon,month -
付き合い つきあい association,socializing,fellowship -
次々 つぎつぎ in succession,one by one -
就く つく to settle in (place),to take (seat, position),to study (under teacher) -
注ぐ つぐ to pour (into),to irrigate,to pay -
付ける つける to attach,to join,to add,to append -
つち earth,soil -
続き つづき sequel,continuation -
包み つつみ bundle,package,parcel,bale -
勤め つとめ (1) service,duty,business,responsibility,task,(2) Buddhist religious services -
務め つとめ (1) service,duty,(2) Buddhist religious services -
繋ぐ つなぐ to tie,to fasten,to connect,to transfer (phone call) -
常に つねに always,constantly -
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