JLPT N2 Vocabulary List

用途 ようと use,usefulness -
洋品店 ようひんてん shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories -
養分 ようぶん nourishment,nutrient -
羊毛 ようもう wool -
漸く ようやく gradually,finally,hardly -
要領 ようりょう point,gist,essentials,outline -
欲張り よくばり avarice,covetousness,greed -
余計 よけい too much,unnecessary,abundance,surplus,excess,superfluity -
よこす よこす (1) to send,to forward,(2) to hand over (e.g. money) -
汚す よごす (1) to disgrace,to dishonour,(2) to pollute,to contaminate,to soil,to make dirty,to stain -
寄せる よせる to collect,to gather,to add,to put aside -
余所 よそ another place,somewhere else,strange parts -
四つ角 よつかど four corners,crossroads -
酔っ払い よっぱらい drunkard -
予備 よび preparation,preliminaries,reserve,spare -
呼び掛ける よびかける to call out to,to accost,to address (crowd),to appeal -
呼び出す よびだす to summon,to call (e.g. phone) -
蘇る よみがえる to be resurrected,to be revived,to be resuscitated,to be rehabilitated -
因る よる to come from -
慶び よろこび (n) (a) joy,(a) delight,rapture,pleasure,gratification,rejoicing,congratulations,felicitations -
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