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evidence, proof, certificate

Grade 5 ・ JLPT N1


  • あかし

  • ショウ


  • 証 【あかし】 proof, evidence, sign, testimony, vindication, certificate, license, membership card, to testify (usu. Christian religious context), enlightenment, symptoms (in Chinese medicine), patient's condition
  • 証 【アカシ】 proof, evidence, sign, testimony, vindication, certificate, license, membership card, to testify (usu. Christian religious context), enlightenment, symptoms (in Chinese medicine), patient's condition
  • 証券 【ショウケン】 bond, bill, certificate, security
  • 査証 【サショウ】 visa, endorsing (e.g. a passport), stamping
  • 偽証 【ギショウ】 false evidence, perjury, false testimony

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