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jewel, ball

Grade 1 ・ JLPT N3


  • たま

  • たま-

  • -だま

  • ギョク


  •   たま  ball, sphere, coin, jewel, pearl, testicles, staple (for a stapler), person (when commenting on their nature), character(n, n-suf, n, n)
  • 御年玉  おとしだま New Year's gift(n)
  • 目玉  めだま eyeball, loss leader, drawcard(n)
  • 玉子  たまご eggs, egg, spawn, roe, cooked (usually boiled) hen egg, (an expert) in the making(n, n, n)
  • 目玉商品  めだましょうひん bargain goods, eye-catching goods, featured product, loss leader(n)

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