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conjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • お.す

  • スイ


  • 推す 【おす】 to recommend, to endorse (e.g. a candidate), to nominate, to support, to back, to infer (from), to deduce, to gather, to conjecture, to surmise, to think (something) through, to ponder deeply
  • 推計 【スイケイ】 estimate, estimation
  • 推移 【スイイ】 transition, change, progress, development, shift, passing (of time)
  • 類推 【ルイスイ】 analogy, analogical reasoning, analogical inference, analogy
  • 邪推 【ジャスイ】 distrust, unjust suspicion

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