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shadow, silhouette, phantom

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • かげ

  • エイ


  • 影 【かげ】 shadow, silhouette, figure, shape, reflection, image, ominous sign, light (stars, moon), trace, shadow (of one's former self)
  • 陰口 【かげぐち】 malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back
  • 夕影 【ゆうかげ】 light of the setting sun, figure lit by the evening sun
  • 月影 【げつえい】 moonlight, moon, moonbeams
  • 影響 【エイキョウ】 influence, effect, impact
  • 影響力 【エイキョウリョク】 influence, clout, leverage
  • 遺影 【イエイ】 portrait of a deceased person
  • 投影 【トウエイ】 projection

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