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evade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • さ.ける

  • よ.ける


  • 避ける 【さける】 to avoid (physical contact with), to avoid (situation), to ward off, to avert, to put aside, to move out of the way
  • 避ける 【さける】 to avoid (physical contact with), to avoid (situation), to ward off, to avert, to put aside, to move out of the way
  • 避難民 【ヒナンミン】 evacuees, displaced persons, refugees
  • 避難 【ヒナン】 taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape, seeking safe haven
  • 不可避 【フカヒ】 inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable
  • 退避 【タイヒ】 taking refuge, evacuation, backup (of data)

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