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holy, saint, sage, master, priest

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • ひじり

  • セイ

  • ショウ


  • 聖 【ひじり】 highly virtuous monk, monk, Buddhist solitary, Buddhist missionary, saint (i.e. a virtuous person), emperor, master, expert
  • 聖柄 【ひじりづか】 sword hilt shaped similar to the handle of a vajra, plain, wooden sword hilt (as opposed to those wrapped in sharkskin)
  • 高野聖 【こうやひじり】 Mount Kōya missionary (usu. low-ranking monk), Lethocerus deyrollei (species of giant water bug)
  • 聖 【セイ】 Saint, St., S., sacred, holy, pure
  • 聖域 【セイイキ】 sacred precincts, sanctuary, consecrated ground, holy ground, issue that is regarded as being off-limits, matter that is not up for discussion
  • 棋聖 【キセイ】 great master of go, great master of shogi
  • 亜聖 【アセイ】 sage of the second order
  • 精霊 【ショウリョウ】 spirit of the deceased
  • 聖者 【セイジャ】 saint
  • 大聖 【ダイショウ】 Buddha, high-ranked bodhisattva
  • 仏餉 【ブッショウ】 rice offered to Buddha

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