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wing, plane, flank

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • つばさ

  • ヨク


  • 翼 【つばさ】 wing, Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions), counter for birds or bird wings
  • 翼沙魚 【つばさはぜ】 loach goby (Rhyacichthys aspro)
  • 片翼 【かたよく】 one wing, single wing
  • 虎に翼 【とらにつばさ】 making the strong even stronger
  • 翼 【ツバサ】 wing, Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions), counter for birds or bird wings
  • 翼下 【ヨッカ】 under the wing (esp. of an aircraft), under one's wing, under one's control
  • 左翼 【サヨク】 left-wing (politics), left wing (of a bird, aircraft, formation, etc.), left flank, left field
  • 右翼 【ウヨク】 right-wing (politics), extreme right-wing group, right wing (bird, plane, etc.), right field, right flank, right wing, right fielder, high rank, high grade, A-student

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