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benefit, gain, profit, advantage

Grade 5 ・ JLPT N1


  • ま.す

  • エキ

  • ヤク


  • 益々 【ますます】 increasingly, more and more, decreasingly (when declining), less and less
  • 益人 【ますひと】 people, subjects, populace
  • 益 【エキ】 benefit, use, good, advantage, gain, profit, gains
  • 益金 【エキキン】 profit
  • 増益 【ゾウエキ】 increased (profit)
  • 公益 【コウエキ】 public interest, public benefit, public good
  • 益 【エキ】 benefit, use, good, advantage, gain, profit, gains
  • 益体もない 【ヤクタイモナイ】 useless, worthless, absurd, baloney
  • 現世利益 【ゲンセリヤク】 benefits gained in this world through observance of the Buddhist teachings, happiness gained in this world through observance of the Buddhist teachings

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