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apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept

Grade 5 ・ JLPT N2


  • -ノウ

  • あた.る

  • まさに

  • こた.える

  • オウ

  • ヨウ


  • 応える  こたえる to respond, to answer, to strike home, to take its toll, to reward(Ichidan verb, iv)
  • 応じる  おうじる to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for(Ichidan verb, iv)
  • 応援  おうえん aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering(n, vs)
  • 応急  おうきゅう emergency(n)
  • 応酬  おうしゅう reply(n, vs)

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