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tenacious, take hold, grasp, take to heart

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • と.る

  • シツ

  • シュウ


  • 執る 【とる】 to take (trouble), to attend (to business), to command (army)
  • 執務 【シツム】 performance of one's official duties
  • 執拗い 【シツコイ】 insistent, obstinate, persistent, tenacious, too rich (taste, etc.), fatty, heavy, greasy
  • 中執 【チュウシツ】 Central Executive Committee
  • 確執 【カクシツ】 discord, antagonism
  • 執 【シュウ】 attachment, obsession, persistence
  • 執行 【シッコウ】 execution, carrying out, performance, enforcement, exercise, service, conduct, execution, lead monk performing various tasks in a temple
  • 愛執 【アイシュウ】 attachment, covetous affection
  • 妄執 【モウシュウ】 deep-rooted delusion, firm conviction (based on incorrect beliefs)

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