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plane, sharpen, whittle, pare

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • けず.る

  • はつ.る

  • そ.ぐ

  • サク


  • 削る 【けずる】 to shave (wood, leather, etc.), to sharpen (e.g. pencil), to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off, to erode, to cut down (budget, expenses, staff, time, etc.), to curtail, to reduce, to delete, to erase, to remove, to cross out, to strike out
  • 削る 【はつる】 to shave off (esp. concrete), to take a percentage, to take a cut
  • 削ぐ 【そぐ】 to chip (off), to shave off, to slice off, to cut off, to sharpen, to dampen (one's enthusiasm, interest, etc.), to reduce, to diminish, to weaken, to spoil
  • 削 【サク】 plane, sharpen, whittle, pare, shave (leather), scrape off, crossout, reduce, curtail
  • 削減 【サクゲン】 cut, reduction, curtailment
  • 掘削 【クッサク】 digging out, excavation
  • 開削 【カイサク】 excavation, cutting, digging

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